Monday, July 21, 2014

Writing Progress

I have an hour left to leave the house and make my way to work, but I am onto something. I had promised myself last year that this year would be for advancing my writing and it seems as though there's still plenty to be done.
I had stated at the beginning of this year that I'd have to make the novel Currents available both online and in print this December- so, if you haven't read the sneak preview ( here it is )

Why am I posting about my writing progress?
  1. Because I'd started talking about it
  2. Because I'm conflicted about it

One thing that's very clear to me is that the cost of printing copies will take a toll on my finances- and it's a risk I'm willing to take.

I'm saving for this and would see it through to the end.

I had reached out to a publisher here in Kenya, and after we'd talked the preliminary costs, I realized that it would be cheaper for me to publish it abroad, and then ship the copies to Kenya. Why? It's because publishing is a business. There's money to be made and paper is not cheap in Kenya- so if it'd cost me a quarter of the fee to publish abroad- then so be it.

So, which publisher am I considering?


Why? Because I can save to have printed copies of my book and manage to have them ready come December this year.

Are they costly? Yes. Wherever money's concerned, it does cost- but all the same, I am sure that I will manage. I have already worked out the details with my accountant, and all I have to do is keep saving.

So, given that I wanted to push myself- I went ahead and started by creating an author spotlight on Lulu, and though I'd published some of my first (not so awesome) book with them, I reckon that this time, I'll have to do way better.

Until then, all I can say is that this is a very important journey to me, and it is taking a toll on my mental energy and finances, but I am going through with it because I want to.

Have a great week, and build your dreams daily no matter how futile they may seem. I'll let you know as time progresses on what happens with my writing project and would be honored if you bought a copy to read.

For all that is right, let there be love-peace and understanding.

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